Become active
Get involved
We need it all:
your voice, your time and your talent!
Start your own fundraiser to support Toni Garrn Foundation!

Your fundraising appeal can make a difference in the fight for global justice.

Have you realized that the struggle for equality doesn't end at your doorstep? Do you understand that your freedom is connected to that of all women* worldwide?

Then start your own fundraising campaign in support of the Toni Garrn Foundation. There's no better way to use your talent and time!
Some ideas
You want to become active, but you're not so sure how? Here are some ideas for you...
  • Write letters
    Friends and family care about what matters to you. Write them a personal letter explaining why you're fundraising. Ask them to donate and provide all the necessary information to understand the cause.
  • Get social
    Share your commitment on social media. Tell everyone what you're fundraising for and why. Keep them updated by sharing your idea with them over and over again. Share milestones and thank the people who have already participated.
  • Compete
    People love competition. You and your friends too? Cool - start a challenge, everyone who participates pays a minimum of $10, or bet with your friends on who can raise more funds in the end ;-)
  • Throw a party
    Throw a party, sell tickets for it, or donate the beverage proceeds. Or turn it into a charity event and ask all your guests to donate directly.
  • Run or ride a race
    You like jogging or bike racing? Cool. Participate in a race and find sponsors who will reward each kilometer you run or cycle with a certain amount.
  • Give away donations
    Everyone knows them: the people who "have everything already." Give a donation as a gift or ask your guests at your wedding or birthday to forgo gifts and instead donate. We're happy to create a custom QR code for you to scan & donate.
You have another idea?

Share your ideas here:
Make a donation
Be part of this movement by investing in TGF project partners.
Your (long-term) support enables our project partners to achieve successful outcomes.

36 EUR* monthly will help a woman learn a skill.
56 EUR* monthly will cover expenses for school.
672 EUR* yearly will cover living expenses at school.

*This is an average calculation across our projects. Expenses usually include: school fees, school materials, housing, meals, transport, hygiene products. Please note: We don't engage in one-to-one sponsorship; instead, we always support our project partners within their overall project structures.
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